Call to Artists
Annual Shirley Jackson Day Celebration Art Show **********
The inspiration for this year’s exhibition comes from Shirley Jackson’s 1958 novel “The Sundial.”
"WHAT IS THIS WORLD? The question inscribed on the sundial (a quote from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, in "The Knight's Tale") echos through the book. The story explores a family’s response to an apocalyptic vision of the world... which seems an appropriate question for examination given current conditions. While we live on this world, we reside in our own worlds. What kind of world do you see? How have you constructed your world? What does your world look like these days?
Submit 1-4 pieces, please include images, titles, price
or a proposal by June 10th to
Drop off artwork June 15-18th
Pick up-TBD

The Ghost of a Flea, William Blake C.1819-20
“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” — Stephen King
Historically,”Phantasmagoria” refers to a spirit show in which magic lanterns were used to project ghosts and demons as “evidence” of their presence during a séance. How do you represent the incorporeal? What haunts you? What do you haunt? This is a show seeking all manifestations of ghostly conjuring, inspired by VISIONS, illusions, spirit writing, astral bodies, psychic HOTlines, ghost stories, spirit guides and more!
Submit images, proposals to Rhonda at rhondaratray@gmail.com
Drop Off: October 8th 2019
Show dates October 15th-November 19th
Reception October 26th 5-8
The Left Bank Gallery
5 Bank St North Bennington
Vermont, 05257