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Bath Tub Office Hours

Danielle Galietti 









These words have invaded our consciousness.

Now, sanitation, disclosure and protection have become everyday concerns. The origin of the word Contagion, holding within its history, that which we can’t do because of this pandemic...

CONTAGION-Late Middle English (denoting a contagious disease): from Latin contagio(n-), from con- ‘together with’ + the base of tangere ‘to touch’.  

Calling to mind William Burroughs statement ” Language is a virus from outer space.” 

How else has A CONTAGION infected you? Spread through thoughts, ideas good or bad that caught on. Conspiracy theories rooted and proliferating choking out facts.

What is your remedy? 

Including works by:

Abbi Allan

Danielle Galietti

Emily Gold

Jason Herr

Paul Katz

Anima Katz

Henry Klein

Amy Leach

Mike Nedich

Lodiza LePore

Nate Massari

Claudia McNulty

Madalyn Olson

Anna Radocchia

Rhonda Ratray

Daisy Rockwell

MaryJane Sarvis

Portia Wassick

Toothless Walter Esq.

Lee Williams

Greg Winterhalter

Show ends December 28th

To schedule an appointment to view the gallery or to purchase any works

please contact Rhonda Ratray at


June 27th, 2020


Nate Massari
Mixed Media

The inspiration for this year’s exhibition comes from Shirley Jackson’s 1958 novel “The Sundial.”

"WHAT IS THIS WORLD? The question inscribed on the sundial (a quote from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, in "The Knight's Tale") echos through the book. The story explores a family’s response to an apocalyptic vision of the world...

WHAT IS THIS WORLD? Seems an obvious question to ask ourselves at this moment.


While we live on this world, we reside in our own worlds. 


What kind of world do you see?

Including work by: Anima Katz, Paul Katz, Emily Gold, Lodiza LePore, Nate Massari, Rhonda Ratray, Barbara Roan, Greg Winterhalter

Gallery Hours by appointment contact

The Strip Show

February 14th -June 15th

While to strip is to lay bare and to remove layers the word evokes both removing and remaining

The Strip Show takes inspiration from the many different interpretations of the word “Strip.” Originally conceived of as a show of nudes, collages and comic strips.

Featuring the work of: Ebay, Berta Burr, Caleb Coulter, Elsie Campbell, Emily Gold, Paul Katz, Henry Klein, Tom Longtin, Lorraine Mears, Madalyn Olson, Dave Ortega, Leslie Parke, Eve Pearce, Matthew Perry, Rhonda Ratray, Daisy Rockwell, Meghan Rudinski, Paul Stitelman,

Jill VanOrden, Kate Whitehall, Greg Winterhalter and more!


A show of recent work by local artists Greg Winterhalter, Berta Burr and Gregory Smith.

Greg Winterhalter is a visual artist working in drawing, painting, mixed media, paper making and ceramics. He is Professor Emeritus of Art and Humanities, teaching at Southern Vermont College from 1979 to 2016.
The majority of his work in this exhibit are widely ranging drawings excerpted from his sketchbook experiences and posted as "daily drawings" on social media.

Berta Burr established a studio in her early twenties. Work as a gilder and restorer has given her an informed level of craftsmanship. Since 1990 her studio output has been directed toward original art of a representational nature. Her paintings typically echo Dutch painting from the 17th C. The collages at first seem to be a departure, but one senses the acute precision found in Dutch painting. The group of collages on view use appropriated images as a vehicle to amuse.

Vermont metal sculptor, Gregory Smith, has shown his sculpture throughout the United States and has received numerous awards for his work. For this exhibit at the Left Bank, he will be showing a mini-survey of his sculpture from the last four decades. For more about the artist please visit

December 13-February 6, 2020


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